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New Cookbooks=Inspiration

I am the proud new owner of 4, yes 4, shiny new cookbooks. Each is signed by the author, which I love. I have a small obsession with signed cookbooks, can hardly resist a purchase when the author is near to place their personal message to me on the title page. It's enough instant excitement to cause nervous chatter or lack thereof on my part.

As I sit at the kitchen table tonight, trying to nail down a great dessert recipe for my C.O.D. (final culinary school project) I'm reading snippets from "The Gluten-Free Girl and The Chef", loving the personal stories she shares. Love "grocery shopping as foreplay" I have to agreee...picking out the evening's dinner is fabulously fun and romantic for food minded people. While I love going alone because I can peruse the aisles for hours (as I often do), shopping with another person you're going to cook for brings the excitement to a different level. It's fun to see what people notice and be influenced by another opinion...sometimes. Glad GF Girl and I can share that idea ;)

So, how did I end up with this new addition to my collection? Kim Ricketts Book Events...last night 6 "recently" published authors gathered to discuss their new books and talk about food and eat food...and drink wine too. They shared personal stories, read from their respective books and swooned a room full of food lovers, hungry for anything gastronomically related. It was fabulous!
The new books (in addition to the above) include: Doughnuts-Simple and Delicious Recipes to Make at Home, Urban Pantry-Tips and Recipes for a Thrifty, Sustainable & Seasonal Kitchen, and Northwest Essentials-Cooking with Ingredients that Define a Region's Cuisine.
Now back to the study session...err, menu planning. Apple Tart, Almond Crust, with...


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